Saturday, November 1, 2008


Day one of my official challenge!
It started out a good day. I was up a little early this morning even with the candy hangover from last night. I did some writing but not for the body of my novel. I am still writing on my outline. I had ideas I needed to get down that came to me in the steamy fog of my morning shower. My mind always seems to work in overdrive in that misty free flowing atmosphere. Then I had my writers group meeting. It was productive and high calorie. But I did not come prepared. The talent flowed around me at an amazing level. I have been writing for years and am still going nowhere where as the newest writer in our group is only a few minor details away from being a published author. Did the evil green haze of jealousy rise its ugly head? Yes, but only long enough for me to see the humor in the vision as I cut off its head. I do not do jealousy or any other destructive emotion. I only see possibilities in my life and everyone else around me. I hope we will be able to help her along her path to success. As for me, I need to focus on my current path and see how far I can go in WriMo.

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