Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 12 -- Hump Day again?

Well I made it through another day. No wiser and no further along on my
word count. I did do some writing but not nearly enough to catch up. And to top it all off I read the note from the man in charge (Chris) that for those of us who make it to the 50k word count by the end of it all will get their writing printed and bound by a very generous company. I'm having trouble keeping up as it is and then they go and throw in that incentive. Even if I do make it to the final total I'm not sure I want what I have written printed up like that. Then people will expect me to let them see it or, god forbid, even read it. And it is mostly garbage with a little plot and some outline thrown in. If I really want it printed up then I at least have to go back in and correct all the spelling mistakes. It is a goal and that is what this is all about. So lets wait and see if I can even get to the end.

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