Friday, October 2, 2009

Opening Day at NaNoWriMo

The official first day of getting ready for NaNoWriMo is up and running. The home page is full of useless but fun stuff that you can waste your precious writing time on. That's why they give us a full 30 days before the real start to get all that looky-lou out of our system. They offer a lot of support in the form of information and forums. You can get a mentor or set up your own challenges with friends or other writers from the far reaches of the globe. Check out the latest and greatest tech upgrades for the site and drool over the prizes for completing your word count.

I am looking forward to our regularly (more or less) scheduled letters from the man himself, the great and wonderful Chris Baty. Our own personal cheerleader who will try his hardest to inspire, cajole and help push us along.

One last very important piece of information I will take advantage of for this year is to try and finish as many of my obligations during the month of October so I will have as much time as possible to just write.

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