Sunday, November 1, 2009

Beginning, Middle and The End

Day one of year two. Hi again. So lets talk about last year a minute. I did participate in the magical land of NaNoWriMo in 08 and fell behind miserably. But I did write over 20,000 words. So to me that was an accomplishment. I learned many of the ways of the great NaNo wizards and hope to use that great wisdom to move through this years efforts. I did work on the outline for my new story but did not get far. So this year I'm going to use this blog to walk the steps I travel as I write. Hence the title for today.

The Beginning-I have dozens of them. I find beginnings easy to write. Not hooks or full chapters, only the first few paragraphs that tell me who takes center stage and where they are and what the problem is with the perfect picture I have devised.

The Middle-This should be easy. Everything happens in the middle. All the twists and turns and the action climbs higher and higher.

The End-The big climax and the resolution to all the loose ends. Of course they live happily ever after.

That all sounds so easy. But it is not easy as I can attest to. Sometimes you just have to think, think, think till either your head explodes or the answer does.

So that is today's goal. Wish me luck and hopefully I will be back tomorrow with my head still intact.